skydriftimmigration & Consultancy Services Inc.

Canadian Citizenship

Who is considered a Canadian citizen, based on the Canadian Citizenship Act.

You are a Canadian citizen if you were born anywhere in Canada after February 15th, 1977.

Individuals who were born in another country and then naturalized, are also Canadian citizens. In addition, “acquired citizenship” is based on the citizenship of one’s parents.

If you were born abroad after February 14th, 1977, and at least one of your biological parents was a Canadian born citizen at the time of your birth — and lived in Canada at any time prior to your birth – you may have acquired citizenship.

Canadian citizenship requirements

Status in Canada

For citizenship purposes, a person must show they have merged to become part of the community and reasons for residing in Canada. For instance, providing their primary residence to Canada. The applicant’s life in Canada is taken into consideration in three years in the preceding four years.